
make an orphan’s dream reality

Donate anytime to extend your contribution to the worthiest of causes. Rest assured, your donation goes to brighten the world of chosson or kallah rising from the embers of their destroyed youth to walk to their dream-come-true wedding night. Every dollar counts, so what are you waiting for?


Can’t commit long term? Your donation will go a long way.

Hit the donate button anytime to extend your contribution to the worthiest of causes. Rest assured, our donation goes to brighten the world of chosson or kallah rising from the embers of their destroyed youth to walk to their dream-come-true wedding night. Every dollar counts, so what are you waiting for?


Share the joy of your own wedding by sponsoring an orphan’s.

As a merit for your own success in marriage, partly or fully sponsor the wedding night of a kallah who is getting married on the same night as you. Many seforim expound on the great segula of this ancient practice as a way to generate heavenly blessings.

May you be zoche to a truly blissful marriage, and may you always be on the giving end. Mazel Tov!